Bedtime is a Nightmare!

We have several parents that are really struggling to get their children to bed in the evening. Guess what, you are not alone!

I want to share these clips with you. Supernanny is my hero!

I am a parent too and while I am a professional that “knows” what to do when children don’t behave, I can tell you – it all goes out of the window when it is your own child and your “mummy” brain tells you to give in and cuddle your children so they don’t cry. You feel worse than your child throwing a tantrum, Does that sound familiar?

I don’t know why but my husband found following Supernanny bedtime routine much easier. So if you are struggling with your over protecting feelings, get your husband or family to help.

True story: My son refused to sleep in his own bed when he was two years old. Never had this problem with him before because my children were never allowed to sleep with us in our bed. (My husband’s cousin lost her baby due to co-sleeping so I was paranoid from day one. )

I researched the topic and found Super nanny’s “Bedtime Technique” bullet proof. It worked! Night one, it took me 2 hours to get my son to sleep and 36 attempts. (I remember – I had a Facebook reminder the other day of the experience I shared with my friends. LOL)

Night two, it only took 3 attempts to get him to sleep. Night three, he went without complaining. The only time he was allowed into our bed was during big storms when there was thunder and lightning. I am not an evil mum, I let him “hide” in our bed. But the minute the storm is over, he went to his own bed again.

Watch, let me know what you think, share if this worked for you, I would love to hear from you.

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Dancing and Grooving

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Nursery School Gillingham, UK