This week in babies, we celebrate world book day where the babies have enjoyed coming in dressed up as their favourite book or character, the babies have explored various books and such as the hungry caterpillar, gruffalo also the three pigs and stick man.
Next week, the babies will be exploring different sensory and messy play activities such as shaving foam, gloop, jelly, wet and dry sand to explore the different textures and to enable speech with single words and sounds.
In Jungle Room, the toddlers have been doing in the moment planning based on what they have come dressed up as for world book week whilst identifying the animals in Dear Zoo book and using pencils and small books to mark make.
Next week, the toddlers will be doing bugs and insects week where they will be decorating their own butterfly and dragonflies whilst also sorting out the colour bugs and how many spots are on a lady bird.
In pre school this week, the children have dressed up for world book week whilst looking at lots of books and enjoy doing some science experiments, the skittle and hot water to make a rainbow and bicarbonate soda with white vinegar to make a volcano.
In pre school this week, the children have dressed up for world book week whilst looking at lots of books and enjoy doing some science experiments, the skittle and hot water to make a rainbow and bicarbonate soda with white vinegar to make a volcano.
Next week is messy week we will be exploring lots of different textures and materials such as gloop, moon sand, shaving foam and junk modelling whilst seeing what we can see, what we feel and how messy we can get.