Christmas is almost here!

Hi everyone,


Apologies for the delay in the blogs this month it's a crazy time of year but Im sure I don't have to tell all of you that!

Well this is it the final countdown and your children have been busy making you surprise gifts which means I am not allowed to give too much away.


For some of the babies its their first Christmas which is really exciting and they are keen to explore every part of it.

We have been playing Christmas music for them to dance to and one of their favourites seems to be rockin around the Christmas tree which they like to jiggle around to while covering themselves in tinsel.

There has been lots of glitter painting , and painting with tinsel,but I cant say what for as it's a surprise , in fact every parent has a bagful of surprises made by their children and they really are beautiful keepsakes.

The shredded paper has proved popular in the tuft tray and they enjoy gathering it up and throwing it around and sitting and exploring in it and throwing it over each other and watching it flutter down. They have enjoyed making decorations with paper plates and getting messy in glittery foam, making marks and enjoying the sensory experience. They have also been trucking the toy cars through it to make tracks and and exploring the texture of playdough enjoying the feel of it sticking to their fingers.

We have had emotion cushions in their this week and the babies have enjoyed sitting on them and transporting them around but havn't really noticed the faces on them although the staff have been pointing out the different faces on them, smiley, sad etc. the children preferred to sit on them .

There has been lots of dressing up we have had baby elves , baby santas and baby snowmen especially last week when we celebrated Christmas jumper day and we thank you all for taking part.


We have been celebrating Christmas in jungle room by making lots of presents for our parents, again I am sworn to secrecy but there has been lots of threading and decorating with glitter , each other as well as the presents! which I'm sure you will all love your children have put a lot of effort into them.

Also for a small donation we have individual photos of your children and they have each decorated their own photo frames these can be seen on the display table outside jungle room.

Thank you to all those that attended the Christmas sing a long in Jungle room last week , I'm sure we are all agreed that they did really well and it was lovely that you all joined in on the last song. Thank you.


We have been taking part in lots of turn taking and sharing games this week as well as making presents for our parents.

Outside castle room on our Christmas display board you can see all of the activities your children have been participating in. Thank you for all those who took part in the nativity play, the children looked amazing and we discovered a few stars! One parent said that it was so beautiful she didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

We have been signing and singing Christmas songs and they love the song 5 currant buns at the moment which we changed to mince pies for the occasion and they are all enjoying joining in.

All of you should have a Christmas bag of goodies that your children have made especially for you to keep so enjoy opening them, they also should have their individual letters from Santa. Any pictures you would like to send us of your children over the festive season will be gratefully received..

Lastly I would like to thank Tescos Gillingham for donating food for our Christmas Jumper party thanks to one of our parents.

Jungle Room Tour This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Different Transportation Vehicles This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Fishes And Dinos This week in Baby room, we are recapping on what we have been do over the last couple of weeks. We’ve been looking at

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Dino Bones Last week, we did under the sea. The children learnt about the different animals that you can find in the ocean and what makes

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Under The Sea Last week, we did under the sea. The children learnt about the different animals that you can find in the ocean and what makes

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Dino Week This week in preschool, we have enjoyed dinosaur week. We have been learning about different types of dinosaur and what they eat at group

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Nursery School Gillingham, UK