Hope you’re having a good week. It’s been fabulous seeing the children in their pyjamas and all their outfits for children in need. We include the staff as well.
So next week babies will be experiencing different textures with cereal and rice. They’ll will be using their songbox to choose their favourite action songs and they’ll be making marks with paint and a variety of sponges.
Next week, Jungle Room will be introducing everyone’s favourite Christmas story. Stick Man is back! Yehey!
Children will be having a stick Man matching game and stick Man themed sensory play. I’m pretty sure we’ll have a few repetitions of the story too. Preschool will be looking back over things they’ve done recently and be sticking photos in their personal books. It’s a great talking point for them and they love talking about everything.
They’ll be playing a memory game of what’s missing and learning how to sign some animal names. You might also begin to hear some Christmas songs at home. I know it’s a bit early. Sorry.
You have a good weekend and we’ll see you next week!