Our Fun day has moved from the previously advertised 7 July 2012 to the 21st July.
The fun day will run in two sessions: 10:00 am – 11:30 am and 11:30am – 1:00pm.
Please contact our nursery to book your 1.5 hour free fun filled session. All new children are welcome to come. Existing children need to bring a friend that is new to our nursery if they want to join us.
We hope that the weather will be great so most of the activities are planned for outside. Some of the fun will include:
Spray painting, gardening with seed planting and digging, water play with waterwall, we will build tents and dens and of course the bubble machine can't be missing either! We will have a stand at Hempstead Valley shopping centre for 7 days starting on the 9th of July so come and have a chat with us. You can fill in your booking form as well. We can also e-mail you the form all you need to do is to call the nursery and ask for one. We can't wait, can you?