Activities for Tuesday 14th March 2017
Pre School Room
Pre-school children were recognizing shapes today, both inside and outside in the garden. Children used their imagination and managed to identify shapes in everyday objects. Probably the most interesting shape was the circle when children found a snail in the garden and all decided that the shell of the snail had a pattern and it looked very much like a circle. There was lots of good talking going on – not only about the shape of the snail but also about the way snails live, what they eat and why they carry their shell (house) with them.
There was a lot of drawing of shapes going on today too, they used their imagination to scribble what they liked. Later on, girls decided to do lots of good cutting, they spent quite a lot of time doing it which I thought was quite an amazing display of concentration.
We re-read the Room on the Broom story, this time with a little twist, instead of reading the story all the way through, we tried to come up with different ending. Children where not very keen on changing the ending, they liked the fact that the witch got away and did not get eaten by the dragon. There was one brave little boy though who suggested that the witch would have been tastier with some chips. Everything tastes better with chips and ketchup, right?
We then moved onto the Gruffalo story as one Julia Donaldson's story is never enough.
Later in the morning, we were dancing to some favorite tunes. Good moves everyone!
In the afternoon, pre-schoolers joined our toddlers in the garden. There was a lot of good playing going on, pre-schoolers were very helpful with the younger children trying to look after them. We were also digging for some worms, we even found some and used magnifying glasses to see if we can find any legs. (needless to say, no legs were found).
Jungle Room – Toddlers
As the sand play was so popular with toddlers yesterday and also we had lots of children in today that were not in yesterday, we brought out the sand tray with rollers and other tools for mark making again. They also enjoyed scooping sand into different sized containers, there was a lot of “big†and “small†talking going on too.
We also prepared some treasure baskets that two year olds had fun exploring.
We learned about numbers, we were singing songs that involved numbers helping children to name numbers in a sequence. Several of the toddlers were digging for bugs today, we used our magnifying glasses to see how they look close by.
We also had some real fun with junk modeling today. Children used boxes, plastic bottles and plastic cans to create anything they wanted. We learned that things can be glued, stapled (with an adult's help) or just attached by using sticky tape.
Baby Room
Babies were learning to find their eyes, ears and noses today. We used songs and stories that involved eyes, ears and noses too.
We also bring sensory treasure baskets into our baby room, babies were exploring different textures, smells and colours.
They were also playing with a ball, big and small ball playing together and with their key person.