As soon as we get over the mountains of chocolate we have Easter up on us. Though originally a religious festival now associated with the joys of chocolate eggs, Easter Bonnets and my favourite Hot Cross Buns UmmmUmmm!
There are hundreds if different things that you can do over the Easter Holidays from walks in the park, going to the farm to see the lambs being born, visiting family and just staying in and having fun; whatever you decide to do make memories that last forever. I know that I am going to be working on making memories that last longer than the stash of chocolate that my little one will be getting.
We are praying that the weather is going to be nice as it would be really lovely to have fun in the garden talking about all the different spring things that we can see, hear, smell and touch in the garden.
We are going to be doing lots of arts and crafts around Easter, we have been busy searching the internet for the best ideas. Watch This Space!