Exploring different things

Toddlers explore textures
Toddlers explore textures
Toddlers explore textures

We have had a great time again today, using all of our senses, preschool have been exploring water, shaving foam and the outside. We have used our touch, smell, sight and hearing. It has been a really exciting day! The teachers let us bring the exploring in and we had shaving foam in the room IT WENT EVERYWHERE !!! (but we loved it)

Jungle room have also been exploring, we have had lavender in our water play. The teachers thought it would make us sleepy but that didn’t work. We have just been really loud this afternoon giving everyone a run for their money. He He!

Babies have been practising their walking in their new garden area that’s just for them, we have had ride along’s and walkers out in this beautiful weather. Babies have been playing with the animals today, mostly they just taste nice but some times we get to make the sounds mooo!

All the children really love it outside and we cant wait until we can be out there all day. We get to do so much when we are out, running jumping and just having a scream ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Dancing and Grooving

This week, we’ll be moving and grooving as we focus on dancing and singing! Through music and movement, the kids will practice memorizing phrases and

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Construction Week

https://youtu.be/2OJMvviF4uQ This week in babies we are exploring variety of construction where we can build using the wooden blocks to build and count 1-5. We

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Jungle Room Tour

https://youtu.be/4A7hCryM0bs This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Fishes And Dinos

https://youtu.be/CZG9EQhkHHU This week in Baby room, we are recapping on what we have been do over the last couple of weeks. We’ve been looking at

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Nursery School Gillingham, UK