Hello everyone,
Thank you for joining us again. Last week was a very emotional week as some of our children left to go to school and we would like to wish them all the best for the future. We will miss them all and their families.
This week, some of the interesting things that our babies will be doing is cooling down by using brushes in the water to clean their toy cars. We will be putting shapes in the sand to make patterns and we will be using our much loved song box with our instruments.
Jungle room are continuing their jungle theme this week. Although I have it on good authority that they will be starting to explore space next week. But this week they will be using their sensory tray to explore leaves and mud and hiding the animals in them and one of the children wanted to make some more binoculars to take home so they will all get the opportunity to do that and become little explorers again. They will be reading one of my favourite Elmer books. Everyone loves Elmer and some of them have been looking for the Elmer statues planted around Maidstone and having their picture taken with them. One of our castle room children has already found twelve and we’ll see if anybody can beat that!
And our pre-schoolers will be looking at ladybirds, drawing and painting them and then adding the correct amount of dots to each side to equal 10. They will be encouraged to recognise their name by finding their name tags in the sand. And counting syllables by saying different words and putting their hand under their chin to feel the movement.
They will also be rolling dice and picking out the correct amount of bears to match the number on the dice then rolling the dice again to add or take away more bears according to the number of dice and so on.
And that’s just some of the fun things we will be learning next week.