Hi everyone, I hope you’re all well. just a little update on what our children will be doing next week. Baby room will be continuing with sensory walks; going through different textures like gloop, straw, porridge and more. They are identifying facial features using a mirror and they are really enjoying using our new family board to see members of each of their families.
Next week in Jungle room we will be reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We will be looking at how the caterpillar develops into the butterfly and also trying lots of different foods from the story, including cake, apple pie and…. gherkins.
Preschool will be continuing with their Healthy Eating focus, tasting some new foods at snack time and having some real fruit and veg in the role play area. They will also be talking about teeth brushing and might even get a surprise letter from the Tooth Fairy!
Hope you all have a great week, see you soon!