This week our toddlers will be concentrating on their personal, social and emotional development. It will all happen through play. We will be closely observing them how children are playing. We will be talking about our feelings, closely examining how children look and behave when they are sad or happy.As always, we will be getting messy with our messy play each day. We will be spending some time in our sensory corner playing with our sensory equipment. Water play will be on offer too with lots of things children can dip into the water.
Babies will be developing physically this week. They will be crawling through tunnels, stepping up and down steps. We will be playing with play dough, shaving foam and ball games. Lots of songs and stories won’t be missing either.
Pre-schoolers will be having a messy week this week. We will be exploring textures and will be creating lots of textures art work for our displays and to take home. We will be also singing and playing instruments too.