Hope you’re all doing well this week. We’re busy busy now that the children have settled into their new rooms.
In Baby Room our babies are using flash cards to identify and match various objects around the room. They are using the soft play to climb, take turns and share and they’ll also be doing some sensory play with shaving foam and paint in sandwich bags.
In Jungle Room our toddlers will be talking about their families and friends – who live in their house, identifying their friends, and even learning to sign their friend’s initials. They will also be singing their favourite action rhymes to see who can anticipate the next line and action.
In Preschool it’s “Who’s sitting in my chair?” as the children take part in Goldilocks and the 3 Bears role play. They will be exploring big and small with bears of different sizes and taking part in a bear hunt in the garden.
That’s all for now, have a good week and we’ll see you again next Friday. Bye!