Thursday, 23 March 2017
Castle Room – Pre-School
Scientific plot thickens today with a Jelly Bath. It was great seeing children exploring different textures and temperature of jelly bath. It was also quite priceless listening to their observations. Most of the time, they were quite unsure about it all. Was it the thickness of it jelly? Slimyness or the temperature?
By now, kids are really used to getting messy but for some reason jelly mess was different. They careful exploring, they said it was slimy, cold and messy. Some even said that if felt like sand – really???
Later on today, they played a game where children had to identify odd words that did not rhyme with the rest of the poem. Some found it very hard, some did really well the first time. I think we will continue the game maybe in smaller groups to help children to find the odd word out.
We were also building stories around toys, we had lots of lovely talking, imagination and story telling. Here and there we had to help with questions but kids did really well at the end.
Hide and Seek was the way we were looking for numbers in our everyday environment. This activity was going on through out the day. We found numbers in the garden, around our room, shoes and coats even in the bathroom!
Jungle Room – Toddlers
Toddlers continued to play with animals today, making sounds like animals, building houses / stables for the horses and other farm animals. Later on we did skipping (horses) , walking (chickens) and side stepping like a crab.
Baloons were so popular yesterday that we had to do it again. It kept the little ones occupied for a long time.
They were also getting messy with lots of painting, sand and water that got mixed together. I remember when I was little, I used to love mixing sand and water, just mixing it all together and watching how texture changes, what patterns we can make with a spoon or just finger.
Babies did a bit of sticking today and yes babies were making some mothers day cards too. We love watching them try to pick small objects with their thumb and fingers, it is very hard to do when you are just very little.
They also played with the mirror, recognizing how they look, where their eyes are, noses and mouths.
We did singing too as we do every day, we read short stories in small groups helping babies to concentrate on noises adults make while reading a story.