Well the weather has taken a turn and its not in the direction that we all want however I must say we have had the most glorious summer this year and with it we have had a great time in our garden. So why stop ? Well we have no intentions of stopping all the fun in the garden (even without the sun) we are having just as much fun now as we where before. With the rain comes something that we all love (well the children do) Muddy Puddles. Fearing to quote Peppa Pig to much we love our muddy garden. The best time ever, get those wellies on and our coats and out we go.
Today we went into the garden and they really loved it, even when it was raining, but not when its pouring. LOL! When its raining outside its a really good opportunity to learn so much, we feel the change in temperature, we can see the bugs and worms come out to play, we hear the different sounds that we haven't hear in some time and its also really great for learning about different solid states. Even the tiniest of the children enjoy the sensory experience of being outside in the rain.