All the pre-schoolers who are going to school in September should have their schools back now. If you could let us know what school, that will be great. We can't wait to hear who got their first choice, who is appealing , we love being involved in the transition to schools.
What we do next is we start to contact the schools to see if they would like to come and visit the nursery. As we are in the hands of the school this could happen any time over the next term so we will keep you posted. Over the next few weeks using the assessments that have just been completed on the children we will be looking at school readiness.
As you know we have done quiet a few blogs around school readiness what they need to do, what we would like them to do. having the contact with the local school will help us to determine what they are going to be expecting from the children. We will also be looking at if we can do anything with parents and carers to help through this time. Games, worksheets ideas on activities you can do with them at home to get them to be as ready as possible.