Some of the Fun stuff we took part in last few days

I would like to apologise for being silent in last few days, weeks, You told me you missed me and my blogs so here I am. am back now and promise to write at least one a week if not more than that.

I would also welcome your suggestions about what you would like me to write about too, of course activities is something I will write about anyway but are there other topics you would like to hear about? Please write send your suggestions to [email protected]

Fun in the Sun

Water Painting

Well, it was certainly very hot in last few days, however, we still managed to have lots of fun in the sun and out of the sun too.

Yesterday, we had a very successful Sports Day, separate blog will follow. I am hoping with some pictures too.

In last few days, Babies and Jungle and Pre-school Room were playing with lots of water and ice to keep us cool and well entertained.

Babies were also using tunnels and tents hiding from the sun and maybe other children too. We encouraged them to play with other babies too, showed them how to make friends and share the space and resources.

They were also learning about shapes and their sizes, trying to match shapes to pre-cut holes. Some of the younger babies were trying all the holes some of the older ones knew exactly where these shapes would fit. For the more advanced babies, we will try to introduce some sneaky shapes that don't quite fit the puzzle holes see if they can tell the difference making the puzzle game a bit more challenging and exciting.

When playing with water, babies were also using different containers, trying to fill them and empty them back into the water tray. Sometimes they used two containers exploring the volume of those containers and learning that some are bigger than others and thus some of the water would not fit into the smaller container.

Jungle Room


Had a great time with water play, just as babies, toddlers used containers to pour water from the tray to the container, used cups and spoons learning about volume and general size of tools they used. It was fun to see some of the spoons with holes in them, water not staying in the spoon when children tried to scoop the water out of the tray.

We played with ice cubes too. Messy play never goes amiss so if your little ones came home covered with a bit of glue, paint of play dough – rest assured it was all worth it at the end.

Lesley made Fairy Dough with the children helping them to learn about tools and how to use them, they were exploring marks tools made, trying out different textures, we chatted how it all felt to our little hands and fingers learning new words like “soft”, “hard”, “smooth”, “rough”, “cold” and “warm”.

We sang lots of songs and read many stories.

We are also working hard to reduce “dummy” time in Jungle room encouraging children to spend more and more time talking and communicating . We are now getting stricter and asking children to only use a dummy when they miss their mummy and daddy but only for few minutes rather than prolonged periods of time.

We also encouraged children to play nicely with others, share toys and look after them. We are trying to teach them to tidy toys up when they are finished, bit of a challenge really as the two year olds don't always see the point. However, we are looking for new fun ways to do this so we should see little improvements every day.


Pre-Schoolers were Dinosaur hunting, in the room and in the garden. They read stories about dinosaurs, looked at factual literature about dinosaurs and who would hunt them all those million years ago. We chatted about how we know how those dinosaurs lived and what they eat. We talked about fossils and bones and biologist and archeologist and how they study they way creatures long dead lived.

Later, children were making bones from paper mache and of course chocolate nest too as some dinosaurs fly in the sky and lay eggs too.

On the days where they were not playing with dinosaurs pre-schoolers played with puppets trying to retell stories they know very well, one of them being “Little Red Riding Hood”.

We also started a very successful “rolling snack” – children took to the new way of snacking really quickly. We now for helpers to help with food, we self serve too not just at snack time but lunches and tea too.

Dancing and Grooving

This week, we’ll be moving and grooving as we focus on dancing and singing! Through music and movement, the kids will practice memorizing phrases and

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Construction Week This week in babies we are exploring variety of construction where we can build using the wooden blocks to build and count 1-5. We

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Jungle Room Tour This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Fishes And Dinos This week in Baby room, we are recapping on what we have been do over the last couple of weeks. We’ve been looking at

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Nursery School Gillingham, UK