Spring Song

Monday, 20 March 2017

Castle Room – Pre-School

I am told, today is the first day of Spring, well – it really did not feel like it, it was raining and rather cold today. Nevertheless, we still managed to go out to the garden, kiddies had a good run around today.

Pre-school children had fun listening to a story today and we made sure that we really modeled an “angry” voice and a “soft” voice. We had a little game after trying to guess what “angry” sounds like and what “soft and sweet” sounds like.

While we were in the garden, we were doing some exercises, we used words like “strong”, stretch, floppy, gentle… this exercises kind of tied into our story telling also.

As always, we encouraged children to be kind and considerate to each other, sharing does not always come easy to the little ones.

In our art corner, children were creating their own books by using pictures they made themselves. Lots of cutting and sticking …

Jungle Room – Toddlers

Toddlers were full of beans today – maybe they were waiting for the Spring that never really come today. We took them to the garden – nevertheless, they needed to use up some of that stored energy they were feeling.

When they came back, we read short stories to them in smaller groups, helping tots to learn how to sit and concentrate a little.

Some of the older tots were learning – to count by playing “what's the time mr wolf” game. Some counted, some just jumped around but for most of them the game was good fun.

Almost all the kids had a good go at picking hidden objects from our sand tray, not easy when all you can use is tongs.

As always, we are teaching the little ones how to be nice to each other and to be able to accept rules and boundaries of being close to other children and adults.

We also did a bit of mark making with paint and also using cookie cutters and string.

Later on, toddlers went on a bear hunt, it was good fun to hide our little teddy bears and tots had fun trying to find them in the room.


Babies were using blocks to build some towers and houses around our “road carpet”. They used cars and busses to pretend to drive along the road. Good eye hand coordination there.

Babies also sing a bit today, they also used instruments to enhance the musical performance. Shakers were the favorite ones today.

We read short stories and we played with the ball too. We are getting there, we can almost roll the ball back and forth.

Dancing and Grooving

This week, we’ll be moving and grooving as we focus on dancing and singing! Through music and movement, the kids will practice memorizing phrases and

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Construction Week

https://youtu.be/2OJMvviF4uQ This week in babies we are exploring variety of construction where we can build using the wooden blocks to build and count 1-5. We

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Jungle Room Tour

https://youtu.be/4A7hCryM0bs This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Fishes And Dinos

https://youtu.be/CZG9EQhkHHU This week in Baby room, we are recapping on what we have been do over the last couple of weeks. We’ve been looking at

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Nursery School Gillingham, UK