Sunny Tuesday at Happy Bunnies

Activities for Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Castle room (Pre-Schoolers)

Tuesday was a lovely sunny day so all the children went to the garden several times today. There was simply no denying them.

During the the times they were not in the garden, they played with scented water, but also they played with sand. While playing we were making sure that words like “on”, “in”, “under”, “behind” were used a lot.

In the math corner kids were compering their height, measuring themselves with the centimetre from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet. We also used numbers, some rather big ones as believe it or not, some of your children are taller than 110cm. J

Kids were also painting with paint mixed with sand which was a very popular activity. They were mark making, painting shapes and exploring patterns sand made on their picture.

We are working hard on our “new” , “old” rules encouraging children to share and keep their castle room nice and tidy – clutter free. Kids are improving tremendously.

Jungle Room (Toddlers)

Toddlers were repeating words and phrases from familiar stories today. They went on a bear hunt (at least they were pretending to go), looking for bears making noises as bears, movements as bears. In smaller groups, they were organising objects by their colour, they were matching lego bricks to colour cards.

During the art and craft time, kiddies were imitating drawing of circles and lines. They had fund making zig zag scribbles, circles or just straight lines. This is a very important activity as strengthening their arm muscles will help them in writing when the time comes to learn hot to write.

With two year olds, we work hard on teaching them to take turns, we were helping them to wait for the other child to finish playing and start sharing their toys.

We also had a song / box bag ready for them and kids enjoyed choosing their favourite songs to listen and sing.

We helped them to learn how to operate some simple mechanical toys also, they played with some wind up toys that was lots of fun too.

The home corner was a fun too today, lots of tea party given and lots of “pretend tea” was consumed. Make believe was fun.

Baby Room

Babies found some animals hidden in the sand box today. We were pretending to make animal sounds and some babies even had a go to make some sounds.

There was some playing and singing also using musical instruments, we used shakers, bells, drums. We showed them how to use the instruments and the babies had a blast playing them. The insy winsy spider was the favourite song today.

Some babies were also rolling a ball with a staff member, learning how to catch the ball and pass it back to us.

Since the weather was so lovely today, everybody went outside and had a blast playing. The bark has been distributed where it needs to go so the children can enjoy the climbing frame again!

Dancing and Grooving

This week, we’ll be moving and grooving as we focus on dancing and singing! Through music and movement, the kids will practice memorizing phrases and

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Construction Week This week in babies we are exploring variety of construction where we can build using the wooden blocks to build and count 1-5. We

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Jungle Room Tour This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Fishes And Dinos This week in Baby room, we are recapping on what we have been do over the last couple of weeks. We’ve been looking at

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