Superhero Autumn!



Well this week I walked into babies and to my surprise they were all dressed up like miniature adults. They were in fact learning to dress and undress themselves only in their enthusiasm they had piled all the clothes on at once and I had trouble finding out who was underneath!

Another favourite game of theirs this week was playing peek a boo under a blanket where they all stood round waiting their turn and after a ready steady go prompt they hid under the blanket and pulled it off again laughing hysterically this was until one of the babies realised I was using their comforter and then I had to return it rather quickly and use one of our blankets instead.

They have been learning to kick a ball and I have found out they are very good at dribbling in more ways than one! One little girl let out shrieks of delight as she dribbled the small soft ball across the floor , sometimes it was more luck than judgement but she was absolutely thrilled.

As I mentioned last week some of our babies were learning to walk up and down the steps in baby garden and guess what! This week two of our babies have mastered it. So to sum up if over the weekend your baby starts to dress up in your clothes or hides under the blanket you know who to blame!



As autumn has come among us we are teaching the children about the seasons and their changing environment and they have been collecting leaves and conkers and bark and made a show and tell table of them looking at the variation of colours and shapes. They then used these to do leaf painting and prints to decorate their classroom which is now looking very autumnal with rich beautiful colours.

One of our amazing grandads in jungle room made us a latches and catches board which has light switches and real lights and all sorts of doors and fascinating gadgets on and is really fun to learn about technology on. When it was installed the children all gathered round and pulled and pressed and explored the board and were particularly impressed with the on and off light switch as was I , I have to say! Thank you grandad.

Our toddlers have also been practising being budding architects and engineers by making wonderful creations out of boxes. These can be seen on display outside jungle room. The children had greatb fun learning to put the boxes together and decorate them in colours of their choice, they really are a sight to be beheld. When talking about their creations we found out that one was a castle, another one was a car , but my favourite comment was ‘ I'm making boxes'! Brilliant, and so was the model that she had made.



You may have noticed castle room has followed the childrens interests of superhero play this week . Even the home corner was turned in to a superhero headquarters and to get to it they had to climb through spider webs made of string and try not to touch the string. This really captured the children's imagination and soon we had children coming in dressed as superheros , play dough made of superhero colours which I've been reliably informed by a pre-schooler are red, blue and green apparently, they even made their own superhero characters and hid them in the sand and then challenged each other to find them and then measure them using number blocks.

And finally the giant snail was named ! I had the great privilege of being invited to pick the name out of a bowl complete with drumroll and the name that was picked was Richard! So now we have two Richards in Castle room so I think we will have to shorten it to Ricki! The snail that is not the member of staff! Talking of the member of staff he has created a water wall outside which is taking shape nicely and is the beginning of what we hope will be a very successful outdoor project

The sign of the week was stop this week so apologies again if your little ones practice this all weekend .

Dancing and Grooving

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Jungle Room Tour This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Fishes And Dinos This week in Baby room, we are recapping on what we have been do over the last couple of weeks. We’ve been looking at

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Nursery School Gillingham, UK