This week is half term for the children so we have been able to have more special time with our key workers. In preschool this morning we were pretending to be on a race track so the ladies helped us to build a track. We then decided that we wanted the middle to be a pond. Our imagination today has been FANTASTIC x
There are lots of things to practice when you are as big as we are in preschool, we have been throwing and catching and some of us can throw really high!!!!! It did start as a game of basketball but it was more fun to see how high we can get it.
After playing basketball we went outside and met up with the Junglers, we had a great time, painting the fences and playing on the bikes. We even found a family of snails which were tiny, so tiny we lost one of them in the grass oops.
When we asked the Junglers what they had been doing this morning they told us that they had been building with logs and mega blocks to make goofy and a helicopter and lots of drawing of what they had made.
This afternoon we were all together and we had a great time making dens out of tables and a special tent that we have.
Babies have been super busy making all our Easter craft, cant tell you what we did it was a surprise shush!!! We played in our sensory garden and we had balls and chalking trying really hard at practising our sharing.