To Infinity and Beyond!

Space Week in Pre-School

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We had some great time recently with space exploration, many fun activities with lots of learning too.

Children were learning about space, the difference between planets, suns, moons, meteorites.

They were making planets during the week, used paper mache to do that and gosh we had so much to speak about there too. We learned about shapes, we compared small to big, explored colors and decided what colors were more appropriate for what planet. We also managed to speak about our emotions, how and how we look like when we are agry and sad and happy and excited.

When we were outside, we pretended to be rockets some children pretended to be planets and some flew fast, others were slow. We had so much fun!

Jungle Room Toddler Room

Cheeky Pipkins Nurseries Monkey

We had a “It's the Bear Books” week, we read the stories of “It's the Bear”, “My Friend Bear” and Where is my Teddy by Jez Alborough.

We had a great picking with some exciting props and a real wicker picnic hamper. We also had a picnic in the garden and on another day we had a picnic on our lino. We talked about different foods children liked, we explored new exciting foods and learned about healthy eating. When we read the My Friend Bear Story, we learned about emotions and friendships. We are all very kind to each other now. (or most of the time anyway).

Where is my Teddy was a very exciting book because the Teddy got lost in a deep dark wood. We talked about what we would do when we are scared and what to do when we get lost. We were also learning about the structure of a story and repeated refrains.

We got messy during creation of woods that we made with rollers, exploring mark making we added hand prints for leaves. With all that fun we re-enforced our knowledge of colors.

Baby Room

Babies Playing with Gloop

Were learning about what we like and dislike, we were trying out new fruits. This week we through vegetables into the mix too.

We also played with ice cubes and did some cool painting.

Did lots of singing and dancing and played on some musical instruments too. We also got messy with gloop and shaving foam, always a favorite with babies. There were not just touching it, we went full on and some babies even had a go sitting in the shaving foam.

Last week we were preparing babies with self serving, getting them used to serving themselves with the snacks. This week we went all out and through zebedees and packed lunches into the mix too. They were champs! They were so concentrated and even those babies that are not big eaters had seconds and thirds! Well done! All our babies drink with lids of their cups now. We are growing up so fast!

Dancing and Grooving

This week, we’ll be moving and grooving as we focus on dancing and singing! Through music and movement, the kids will practice memorizing phrases and

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Construction Week This week in babies we are exploring variety of construction where we can build using the wooden blocks to build and count 1-5. We

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Jungle Room Tour This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Fishes And Dinos This week in Baby room, we are recapping on what we have been do over the last couple of weeks. We’ve been looking at

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Nursery School Gillingham, UK