To the Moon and Back

Baby Room


Babies explored moon sand this week which is made of baby oil and cornflour and you can find the recipe and many other ideas for babies learning on pintrest. They had great fun exploring the texture and extended their own play by adding the animals which made great prints in the sand to their great amusement.

They are learning to use their spoons to eat rather than their fingers to develop their health and self care and one baby had difficulty shaking the shepherds pie off of her spoon so the staff member showed her how to scrape it off with another spoon. To our amazement the following day the same baby repeated this action without being prompted! We have such clever babies !

One of our core books is Little Rabbit Fu Fu which if you havn't read it with your child is great fun and depending on the childs age they can join in with you with the repetitive phrases and also develops their listening and attention skills.

We made a black and white treasury box which they all had fun exploring to identify new objects and introduce them to new words to extend their play in the black and white area.

Last but not least I am sure you have all seen our amazing obstacle course made with soft play and a cardboard box which has kept our babies attention for nearly 3 weeks now , well the box has finally broken but im sure you will all agree that it has lasted well and the babies have loved every minute of it.

Also big news! Most of our babies are now toddling so get your skates on mums and dads this is where the fun really begins!

Jungle Room

Jungle room have been exploring under the sea and are reading the rainbow fish book to encourage sharing. Again another book worth adding to your library if you don't already have it. Children of this age love to share stories with you.

We explored squishy bags full of blue gel to simulate the sea and enjoyed watching it squish around in the bags using lots of new words to describe the feeling and the noises it made as it sloshed about.

We have been learning about mark making using different objects including fruit and vegetables and used celery to make the scales on the rainbow fish and understanding the world around us by discovering how they need to live in water and how they swim.

Castle room


Castle room have been learning about how to care for different animals and how important it is to keep them clean and they cleaned the toy animals themselves enjoying splashing around immensely! We also learned about the importance of keeping our selves clean developing their health and self care and understanding as well as making relationships by joining in and helping their friends during this activity.

We made bird feeders from pipe cleaners and cereal which the children found fascinating and enjoyed learning about as well as developing their hand-eye co-ordination and small manipulative skills while threading the cereal onto the pipecleaners.

We had a show and tell with various pets .Some children and staff brought their own pets in and thank you for the pictures of your pets you have been sending us , please keep them coming.

Dancing and Grooving

This week, we’ll be moving and grooving as we focus on dancing and singing! Through music and movement, the kids will practice memorizing phrases and

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Construction Week This week in babies we are exploring variety of construction where we can build using the wooden blocks to build and count 1-5. We

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Jungle Room Tour This week, we are learning about transport. We will be matching different transportation vehicles together and we will be washing cars and making roads.

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Fishes And Dinos This week in Baby room, we are recapping on what we have been do over the last couple of weeks. We’ve been looking at

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Nursery School Gillingham, UK