Pre-school – will be enjoying a very busy and messy week. Children will be making salt dough ornaments, lots of spray painting in the garden and getting very messy with the shaving form too. Science activities won’t be missing either, ice cubes and food colouring should do nicely indeed. We will be making most of our week in the garden too. On Thursday, we will have our very first football lesson that we hope to continue for a very long time.
Babies will be developing personally and socially. We will help our babies to play with their friends throwing and catching balls. We are hoping that children will have so much fun and will learn to create frendships with othe children in the room.
Our toddlers in the Jungle room will have a physical week this week. We recognise that independance is very important and we will be making sure that children are recognising their own belongings. We will be having fun with activities that encorage children to potty train. All our children are doing so well at present so well done! We are hoping to do lots of ball frowing and catching and making sure that children recognise tools and their uses.