Babies will be communicating and developing their language skills this week. They will be dancing and trying to move to a regular beat too. We will also encourage them to repeat simple frases as “roll the ball” and “put the pram away”.
Pre-school children will be busy this week exploring science activities. They will be learning about colours and patterns that can be created with paint brush on paper. They will be also having lots of fun tapping and clapping to different songs and rhymes.
The second part of the week will be busy as children will be exploring different textures and will be creating pictures from different materials. Children will be also learning a new song that should help them name different bones in their body. Children will also be learning about sizes and weight of objects.
Toddlers in the jungle room will be also communicating and developing their language skills. We will be exploring simple sentences and we are very curios to see how much our toddlers understand when given simple instructions. Children will be learning words using flash cards. We will be also concentrating on children whose first language isn’t English. We will also start introducing letters and phonics this week.